Corporate Governance

Basic Concept of Corporate Governance

With the mission “helping working families build wealth,” we offer a robo-advisor called WealthNavi, a fully automated service of asset management through long-term, installment, and diversified investments for the working generation's comfortable retirement life. We recognize that it is important for us to make efforts for sustainable growth, as well as improvement of mid- to long-term corporate value on top of securing transparency and the objectivity of corporate management, and that the enhancement of corporate governance is one of the most important issues of business management. We also recognize that, based on the belief of giving top priority to customer's profit and convenience, the establishment of a high level of trust within the community is essential to continue the business, and that such a philosophy will lead to the maximization of corporate value.
Accordingly, the directors and employees will strive for the fulfillment of corporate governance by understanding the roles required of each of us; continuously try to maintain and improve the awareness of laws, social norms, and ethics required of a financing company; and secure transparency and the objectivity of business activities. Moreover, we will further reinforce our corporate governance by establishing a voluntary body, such as the Risk Compliance Committee and the Investment Committee, in addition to the bodies required by the Companies Act.